
Developing our next generation of engineers by engaging students in the classroom.

Engaging the community through STEM activities, workshops, and science fairs.
Inclusion & Equity

Enhancing participation and retention of minorities in STEM through mentorship.
Crawford Group Goes Back To Highschool

Teaching middle and high school students about structure-property relationships at UCF’s STEM Day in Orlando, FL; 2021.
Inspiring Elementary Students

Talking science and virtual lab tour with elementary students at Waldon School of Arts in Orem, UT; 2020.
Chemistry Week: Science Day Volunteer – 2019

Learning about extraction of iron in Cheerios at the Science Museum in Orlando, FL; 2019.
ASM Materials Education Foundation – 2018

AeroMat Mini-Camp 2018 in Orlando, FL was well attended by local middle- and high-school students who are eager to learn about STEMM. The Crawford Group organized a ‘Fun with Plastics’ demo, and had a lot of fun interacting with all of the attending students.
Graduate Research Forum Judge – 2018

Great job to all of the graduate student researchers that participated in the Graduate Research Forum (GRF). The GRF, a part of the Student Research Week, features poster displays and oral presentations representing UCF graduate students from diverse disciplines. The Research Forum is an opportunity for students to showcase their research and creative projects and […]
Dr. Nelson Ying Orange County Science Exposition – 2018

Science Project Judge: Senior Chemistry Division (high school). Dr. Crawford had a great time interacting with high school students as they presented their research projects. The Ying Expo is open to all public, private and home-schooled students throughout and within Orange County, Florida, and has affiliation with the Florida State Science and Engineering Fair and […]
UCF: College of Engineering and Computer Science, and Office of Diversity and Inclusion – 2018

Diversity Forum Panelist. Dr. Crawford joined in as a panelist for the unique opportunity to meet and discuss with a diverse student audience topics related to inclusion in academic and work environments.